Frontline Arts offers platemaking and screen burning services so you can print from the comfort of your home.
Frontline Arts now has Letterpress Polymer Platemaking services with KF-95 adhesive-backed plates from Boxcar Press. These plates can be printed on our gridded Boxcar base on the Vandercook Universal I. It's a great way to quickly create a letterpress image and text without hand-setting type or carving a block!
Fees are based on each individual order, but please note that since we produce these plates completely by hand, it still takes 1 hr of production time for even the smallest plate. Call or email for more information and a FREE consultation to discuss your project.
Image must be a vector file (line art) or outlined text
Dots can be no smaller than 1pt; lines no thinner than 0.5pt
Size is restricted to about 5x5" for what we have in stock, but please call to quote larger plates. We can only expose a plate up to 8 x 10"
Platemaking Rates:
The minimum order costs approximately $60 ($52 + approx $0.32/sq in of plate + film).
We need 1-2 weeks of turnaround time, so please plan ahead.
50% of the estimate is due upon placing the order, with the remainder of the balance due upon completion of the job.
contact us for details