Professionally Photographed Artwork Sessions with Christopher Ernst
Thursday Jan 17, 10-20 min sessions from 2pm-8pm (snow date Jan 24)
Price Varies with Number of Sessions,* No Materials Fee
You've made the artwork, but now you need a high-resolution photograph to submit for open calls, residencies, and grants. How can you ensure you will get the sharpest, highest quality image to capture your technique? Book a block of time with professional photographer, Christopher Ernst, to have your artwork professionally photographed! You can book as little as one time slot for just one piece of artwork, or up to as many pieces as you like. You will receive a full photograph along with detail shots for each piece, and you can decide whether you want the RAW files (to edit yourself at home) or basic edited/color-corrected files.
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional works are welcome. One time slot per piece of artwork.
Deadline to sign up is January 16 at 5pm, 2019
Maximum 2-D dimensions are 7 feet in any dimension.
Maximum 3-D dimensions are 5 feet in any dimension.
*Price selections are based on the type of artwork you want photographed (select type and quantity at registration.) You will also be asked for preferred time slot, but availability is first-come first serve. Please note strict cancellation policy- no refunds less than 72 hrs in advance.
2-D Artwork (you will receive 3-5 high-quality photographs per piece of artwork):
1) RAW files only (unedited photographs)
10 minute session per artwork
$30 per artwork
2) Edited files (color, light, and basic adjustments; no major editing)
15 minute session per artwork
$35 per artwork
3-D Artwork (you will receive up to 7 high-quality photographs per piece of artwork):
1) RAW files only (unedited photographs)
15 minute session per artwork
$35 per artwork
2) Edited files (color, light, and basic adjustments; no major editing)
20 minute session per artwork
$40 per artwork